It’s Not All Doom and Gloom: The Future of Democracy & Markets Can be Positive


Although many narratives about the future of democracy and technology fall into the categories of either digital authoritarianism or the surveillance economy, we believe an alternative, positive vision for democracy exists. The Future of Democracy Survey seeks to counter these two narratives and identify and articulate the possibilities for a technology-empowered democratic future.

The Survey’s results demonstrated the importance of education in bridging the gap between technological innovation and society’s understanding of technology and the regulations that govern it. However, the results indicated that there is little consensus on how to build trust in a digital future and how to effectively shape global norms and standards that strengthen trust in future applications of technology.

The insights from this survey can inform and inspire global democratic reformers to take tangible action locally and provide ideas for stakeholders and communities to collectively strengthen democracy.

Download the Future of Democracy Survey – Factsheet.
