Sofia, a mother of two children who works part time as a teacher, lives in a world where access to data and information is free and open, and she has access to information to make empowered decisions. Women like Sofia increasingly gather in the metaverse, through social media channels, and are encouraged to actively participate in the tech field (especially in countries previously considered to be in the periphery of tech). Although she fears that her children will suffer the impacts of climate change, Sofia is excited for them to join the movement of more engaged youth to combat plummeting participation and apathy, mistrust in government, and corruption that used to proliferate democracies around the world back in the 2020’s. Sofia witnesses daily an increasing seamlessness between digital and physical worlds. Through virtual realities, cloud computing, machine learning, and AI, Sofia participates in a paradigm shift where citizens are able to control more about their participation and access to democratic processes. Sofia participates in a massive community drive to include marginalized communities (such as the transgender community and differently-abled people), and through her digital activism she works to distribute the accountability of the big polluters to the countries being most impacted.
Meet Sofia: A Citizen of the World in 2040
— NDI Focus Group
NDI Focus Group