School of Continuing Education, Excerpt of the Course Catalog

— Florence Lenaers

What’s for Dinner Tonight? Multi-timescale Reckoning

in which one starts off with a seemingly innocuous question,
then ponders on its serpentine consequences,
in both shallow & deep time

Waste Heritage: Ethics, Rationale, Management, & Reappropriation

in which one learns that
our land is filled with reverberations:
the tangible & intangible legacy of waste

Disassemble & Reassemble

in which one gets to dis-know & re-know
something familiar—or is it?—from the inside out & back in

part 1 shakes apart a word: what is life, is freedom, are we?
through polyhedral table discussions

part 2 gets to the onion heart of an everyday object

part 3 extends the scope of part 2
through immersion in virtual reality

participants are expected to
record their [self]disassembling & [self]reassembling journey
in a log

The Hardly Visible Cogs: Of Maths & Insects

in which one peers into, absorbs & gets absorbed by
algorithmic humus & biotic networks

From Biomes to Biomining to Biomiming

in which one learns from
pre- & not-yet-existing ecosystems
& joins their interpenetrating dance with urban &
agricrosscultural mosaics

Lab Visits with Chimeras

in which one tunes in to
the crackling dialogue between myths & sciences,
polishing the multifaceted out- & insight into
what it means to be
human, humane, inhumane, nonhuman, humanoid, posthuman,
but also synthetic, emergent, golemic, intelligent—
swarmingly so

Multiscale Societal Homeostasis

in which one learns to
implement feedback loops on every street corner
so as to inhibit the crystallization of hegemonic pyramids
& to regulate the flow of ±ions in the social tissue circuit

Cross-breeding Weaving Workshop: The Yoneda Tapestry

in which one learns that
everything is determined by its connections
with everything else

participants are expected to
glean information by unlocking perspectives

teaching materials: various pairs of shoes,
both literal & figurative

this course is structured in an ever-increasing number
of modules
[range = inter + {-disciplinary, -personal, -species,
-national, -planetary}],
each of which is determined by its connections with the others

Hopepunk Writing Workshop

in which one learns—

Florence Lenaers

Florence Lenaers is an aspiring cultivator of poetical physics. Her work can be found in a variety of publications, from Strange Horizons to Sublunary Editions' monthly mailing program.

First Published: Mithila Review issue 16